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Celsa Reinforcing strengthens its sustainability

Celsa Nordic's steel and rebar rolling mill in Mo i Rana has been awarded NOK 121 million by Enova to realize its planned use of hydrogen to replace fossil energy. This makes the world's most environmentally friendly reinforcing steel even greener.

Mo i Rana, steel reinforcement, Celsa
Red-hot billets on their way to rolling into reinforcing steel. Photo: Celsa Nordic

- Renewable hydrogen has significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in industry, as well as in the transport sector. This is a project that can take Celsa closer to the goal of zero emissions in 2050 and which can contribute to the necessary technology development, says Nils Kristian Nakstad, managing director of Enova.

- This decade we will more than halve Norwegian emissions compared to 1990, and Celsa is a company that is working to take us towards this goal. Today, Celsa receives support to use hydrogen as a replacement for fossil gas at its plant in Mo i Rana, a good example of the adaptability we need in Norwegian industry. Hydrogen will play an important role in the green shift, and I would like to congratulate Celsa and Mo i Rana on this green project, says Climate and Environment Minister Espen Barth Eide (Ap).

Minister for Climate and Environment, Espen Barth Eide, Mo i Rana, Celsa
Minister for Climate and Environment, Espen Barth Eide (Ap) Foto: Klima- og miljødepartementet

Celsa's new roller furnace will be able to use up to 100 percent hydrogen. The project consists of a new oven, new burners and a new control system.

- This project is important for Celsa to achieve its climate goals, says Susanne M. Nævermo Sand, Head of Sustainability & Strategy Celsa Nordic and project manager for hydrogen establishment at Celsa Reinforcing.

- The technology we need at Celsa, which can deliver the power needed for our operation on 100% hydrogen, does not exist in the world today. We will therefore become a technological leader in green transition when this is ready. The process requires extreme innovation power from several of our partners and has a high spillover effect both within the steel industry, but also other actors within the process industry. With hydrogen as fuel in the rolling mill in Mo i Rana, we can eliminate our own emissions from the rolling process, which will reduce the total CO2 emissions from the production process in Mo by around 60%. This will be a solid step forward in the green shift, says Sand.


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